1 - Edward Santow

A Human Rights Approach to Algorithmic Bias


April 5, 2021

My honored guest for the launch episode of Indivisible AI is Edward Santow, the Human Rights Commissioner of Australia.  Under Ed’s pioneering leadership the Australian Human Rights Commission launched its Human Rights & Technology Project back in 2018, reflecting the Commission’s status as a first-mover in the global digital policy domain.

We begin our conversation by discussing the importance of using human rights as a system of law to frame our approach to AI governance.  We then discuss a recent paper published by the Commission that specifically provides guidance for companies on addressing algorithmic bias.

Our conversation also touches on the geopolitical.  In particular, we address the stakes of promoting liberal values not only at home but in the global deployment of AI and how to approach those challenges given our respective country roles on a shared stage. 

Ed also happens to be one of my favorite people working in this field.  He is what you would call a true leader: not only incisive and approachable in his ability to articulate complex issues but also kind and committed in a way that inspires others to be the same.

I am always delighted to learn from him, and I hope after listening to this conversation you come away feeling the same.

Your Host,



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2 — Mark Surman